Council pursues collaboration with Korean partners

    On the occasion of World Water Week, the World Water Council signed two agreements extending collaboration with its Korean partners. The agreements were signed just after a special session that was convened by the World Water Council and the 7th World Water Forum secretariat to present the major outcomes of the 7th World Water Forum. A first agreement was signed between the World Water Council and K-Water on the important role technology and big data can play in smart water management.

    Council highlights at Stockholm World Water Week

    “Water security is probably the greatest human challenge of this century – it is at the heart of a daily crisis faced by millions… It is also the lifeblood of our economy, our environment and our very wellbeing,” said World Water Council President Benedito Braga at the closing plenary of this year’s World Water Week in Stockholm. The theme of this year’s 25th edition was Water and Development, and the Council was actively represented throughout the week at a number of sessions and debates.

    18th International River Symposium

    Brisbane Convention Center, Brisbane, Australia
    International River Foundation

    The theme for the 2015 International Riversymposium “Healthy Rivers – Healthy Economies” is a wonderful opportunity to engage with the multitude of businesses and organisations who contribute to and benefit from the wise management of rivers and their catchments. Water has risen high on the business agenda and a decline in freshwater quality and quantity was judged the greatest risk facing the globe at the 2015 World Economic Forum. The contribution that healthy rivers make to our economies and wellbeing is extraordinary, but often taken for granted. The 2015 Riversymposium will connect...

    Catalyst California: It’s a Dry, Dry, Dry, Dry, World

    Virtual town hall meeting
    Circle of Blue

    CATALYST: CALIFORNIA. VIRTUAL TOWN HALL SERIES. California faces an urgent test of civic and environmental resilience. The state is developing blueprints for the nation and the world as it grapples with accelerating water crises. Bring your voice and be ready to participate in timely and dynamic virtual town hall meetings. AUGUST 25, 2015 ~ CATALYST CALIFORNIA: IT’S A DRY, DRY, DRY, DRY, WORLD Live from World Water Week in Stockholm and the One Water Leadership Summit in San Francisco What can the world learn from California as water challenges become the planet’s greatest risk? Sao Paulo...

    Catalyst California: A State Rebalances

    Virtual town hall meeting
    Circle of Blue

    Catalyst: is the continuing series of free events on the California drought, America’s water supply, and the world’s water challenges. You will gain a deeper understanding about the consequences and participate in shaping responses.

    Catalyst California: Adapting to New Normals

    Virtual town hall meeting
    Circle of Blue

    CATALYST: CALIFORNIA. VIRTUAL TOWN HALL SERIES. California faces an urgent test of civic and environmental resilience. The state is developing blueprints for the nation and the world as it grapples with accelerating water crises. Bring your voice and be ready to participate in timely and dynamic virtual town hall meetings. AUGUST 18, 2015 ~ CATALYST CALIFORNIA: ADAPTING TO NEW NORMALS Will El Niño save the day? With a resolve that few other countries or regions can match, California is writing the script for a new era — not only for drought but for deluge as well. Rain and snow will return...

    18th International Congress & Exhibition of the African Water Association

    Nairobi, Kenya
    African Water Association

    General theme of the congress: «SUSTAINABLE ACCESS TO WATER AND SANITATION IN AFRICA». More information:

    Council’s Forum related publications

    The World Water Council launched a series of publications during the 7th World Water Forum jointly written with leading international organizations and addressing topics on financing infrastructure, food security, green growth ant IWRM.  




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    World Water Council 55th Board of Governors meeting

    Hangzhou, People's Republic of China
    World Water Council

    7th General Assembly of the World Water Council

    Marseille, France
    World Water Council

    The General Assembly is the opportunity for all members of the World Water Council to influence the strategic orientation of the organization by voting policies and programs. It is also the occasion for members to elect the representatives of the Board of Governors for a term of three years, approve the triennial budget, and adopt the work program and By-Laws. A total of 35 Governors representing 5 colleges of members are elected during the General Assembly. During the 7th General Assembly, the members of the World Water Council will: Adopt the work program of the Council for the next mandate...