Council highlights at Stockholm World Water Week
“Water security is probably the greatest human challenge of this century – it is at the heart of a daily crisis faced by millions… It is also the lifeblood of our economy, our environment and our very wellbeing,” said World Water Council President Benedito Braga at the closing plenary of this year’s World Water Week in Stockholm. The theme of this year’s 25th edition was Water and Development, and the Council was actively represented throughout the week at a number of sessions and debates.
Along with the Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden Council President Benedito Braga participated in the Closing plenary. As Minister to the State of Sao Paolo the President explained in further detail the crisis which is affecting his constituency. In addition President Braga participated in a high-level ministerial panel on Africa Day convened by AMCOW and in the high-level panel “Raising the profile of Water towards CoP21”. The President was also involved in media events including a panel convened by the Guardian on incorporating water knowledge into climate policy and the “Circle of Blue Catalyst” debates on the Californian drought.
Council Vice-President Dogan Altinbilek presented the major outcomes and conclusions of the Water and Green Growth Program, while Governor Jerome Delli Priscoli participated in the panel “Increasing Resilience to Climate Variability and Change: The Role of Infrastructure and Governance in the Context of Adaptation.”
The Council’s co-organized “Keeping up the Momentum after the 7th World Water Forum” session convened participants to a special follow-up on the major outcomes of the 7th Forum. During the well-attended event, Council Governor and thematic process co-Chair Mark Smith presented the Implementation Roadmaps and Action Monitoring System, emphasizing how the Forum outcomes will also contribute to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. The session was followed by the signature of 2 agreements extending the Council’s collaboration with its Korean partners on follow-up mechanisms to the 7th Forum and on highlighting the important role technology can play in water management.
The World Water Council held many other bilateral meetings around subjects such as Cop21 and financing, and President Braga met with Ministers of Kenya, Senegal, South Africa and a delegation from South Sudan. More about the Council’s activities in Stockholm