Singapore International Water Week

    SIWW - ministry of environment and water resources singapore

    The World Water Council will be active in numerous ways, such as: - joining decision makers and influencers at the Water Leaders Summit (WLS) on 12 July; - participating in the Asia-Pacific Water Ministers Forum (APTWMF) on 11 July; - World Cities Summit (WCS) on 13 July; - On 12 July, WWC will be organizing one of its three celebratory events to mark the Council’s 20th Anniversary. This first celebration will be co-convened with Asia Pacific Water Forum, which was founded in 2006, to commemorate the joint engagement of the two organizations and common partnership throughout the years.

    President Braga to serve a second term

    14 November 2015 - Marseille, France – Benedito Braga has been elected to serve his second term as President of the World Water Council, on the occasion of the Council’s triennial General Assembly, which is taking place in Marseille, France.  This morning President Braga said “I am honored that the World Water Council has placed their faith in me for another term as President. Working closely with our members we have been able to make water a global and local priority. However, there is still much to be done.

    Council elects Board of Governors for 2016-2018

    The 7th General Assembly of the World Water Council has elected the Council’s Board of Governors that will serve a three-year mandate until 2018. The elections took place during the triennial General Assembly of WWC Members in Marseille, France where over 250 persons from 40 countries have gathered.
    The Board will support President Benedito Braga over the next three years to implement a strategy focused on water security, adaptation, and sustainability, which has been adopted today during the 7th General Assembly.

    Catalyzing action for water at the CoP21

    On 9th November, the President of the World Water Council, Benedito Braga met Ségolène Royal, French Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.  
    Minister Royal and President Braga discussed the positioning of water in the global climate debate.

    FT Water Summit: Vital role of business and finance community in achieving water security

    On October 27, the inaugural Financial Times Water Summit was held in London, United Kingdom.  The World Water Council is a founding partner of this event, alongside the Financial Times. The one day conference was chaired by Pilita Clark, environment correspondent at the Financial Times, and gathered more than 180 participants from the business, financial, and water community.

    Sharing Multipurpose hydropower reservoirs

    Writing in Hydropower and Dams World atlas 2015 President Braga argues that global hydropower potential is significantly underexploited. As the energy mix shifts towards reduced carbon emissions a huge opportunity for the hydro-power sector is opening. To grasp this opportunity we need more investment, multi-purpose infrastructure, and new ways to engage all users in genuine shared responsibility for our precious water resources.

    Council Honorary President receives prestigious award

    Loïc Fauchon, World Water Council Honorary President and long-term member of the World Water Council was awarded the Water Prize by HRH Prince Albert II of Monaco at the 8th award ceremony of the Prince’s Foundation for his actions on promoting the cause of water. “It’s water that is being honored here today. Its challenges are immense for humanity faced with demographic pressure and rising living standards," said Mr. Fauchon during the award ceremony which was held last Friday at the Grimaldi Forum of Monaco. 

    Council participates in high-level side event at the UN Summit to welcome the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals

    During the high-level plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly in New York last week, the 193 United Nations members states adopted the new set of Sustainable Development Goals in its draft resolution on ‘Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.’ This decision will shape the way humanity will overcome development challenges and extreme poverty in the next 15 years and beyond. 

    Council founding partner for inaugural FT Water Summit

    The World Water Council has announced it is founding partner for the first edition the Financial Times Water Summit.  The event will take place in London on 27 October and will bring together the financial community as well as large corporates and political leaders, to focus on collaborative ways in which companies around the world are working with the broader water community to deal with scarcity and enable growth.