Toward delivering on the Daegu and Gyeongbuk implementation commitment

    During the Korea International Water Week 2017, from 20 to 23 September, the World Water Council co-convened the second Implementation Roadmap Review Meeting and a World Water Partnership Meeting.  These two initiatives aim at following up on the previous World Water Fora, especially the 7th edition, and promoting the implementation of solutions. Additionally, the World Water Council was actively involved in the Water Leaders Roundtable and the 10th High-level Panel on Water and Disasters.

    World Water Council organizes the 2nd International Conference on Water and Climate: Fostering dialogue on the road to CoP23

    Following the success of the first International Conference on Water and Climate "Water Security for Climate Justice" held in Rabat in July 2016, the World Water Council, with the support of the CoP22 Chair as represented by the State Secretariat for Water of the Kingdom of Morocco, and with the collaboration of other international partners, is organizing the second edition of the event on 3-4 October in Marseille, France. 

    63rd Board of Governors Meeting

    Marseille, France
    World Water Council

    Roundtable on Financing Water

    Tel Aviv, Israel
    World Water Council, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Government of the Netherlands

    The Roundtable on Financing Water, a joint initiative of the OECD, the World Water Council and the Government of the Netherlands, was established as a response to the international community’s recognition of the critical contribution of water to sustainable development and the need to ensure adequate financing for water. More details on the rationale and aims of the initiative The inaugural meeting was held at OECD Headquarters in Paris on 12-13 April 2017. The meeting gathered around 70 participants, including private investors, development finance institutions, bilateral donor agencies...

    Human rights to water and sanitation project: invitation to members to participate

    In line with the relentless effort to engage policy makers into a political discussion to raise the profile of the Human Rights to Water and to Sanitation, the World Water Council recently started a project entitled “The Human Rights to Water and to Sanitation: Overcoming challenges to implementation”.

    The project will update the influential paper ‘The Right to Water: from concept to implementation’ that the Council launched in 2006 and that contributed to garnering strong support for recognition of the right to water as a fundamental human right in 2010.

    International Summit of the World’s Great Rivers: “Act for water and climate”

    Rome, Italy
    United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), Aquamadre

    10th High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP)

    Gyeongju, Korea
    High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP)

    Climate Chance Summit

    Agadir, Morocco
    Royaume du Maroc