World Water Council organizes the 2nd International Conference on Water and Climate: Fostering dialogue on the road to CoP23
Following the success of the first International Conference on Water and Climate "Water Security for Climate Justice" held in Rabat in July 2016, the World Water Council, with the support of the CoP22 Chair as represented by the State Secretariat for Water of the Kingdom of Morocco, and with the collaboration of other international partners, is organizing the second edition of the event on 3-4 October in Marseille, France.
As for the past edition, the principle objective of the meeting is to mobilize and encourage a range of political and institutional stakeholders to work together so that water remains an important element of climate discussions within the UNFCCC’s 23rd Conference of the Parties in November of 2017, strengthening the dialogue between the water and climate communities towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Agenda 2030.
The program of the conference will offer special focuses on water for food, urban resilience, and water for Africa within the context of climate change. Watch the event on our live streaming page