Water scenarios for the future

    The World Water Council has engaged in an important initiative that reviews and looks at the future of our water resources. Last week, President Ben Braga participated at the launch of the “World Water Scenarios” in Laxenburg, Austria in presence of almost 70 water experts and officials. This innovative initiative, for which the Council is one of the founding partners, seeks to create a number of different scenarios to create clearer visibility on the future of water resources by 2050 and the related policy decisions that would be required for each.

    First official meeting of the new Board in Marseille

    The Council’s Board of Governors gathered today for the 48th time since the organisation’s creation in 1996. It was, however, the first official meeting of the new Board since its election at the 6th General Assembly in November 2012. President Braga announced a two-day-meeting with a dense agenda and activities such as a break-out session to establish the strategic roadmap for 2013-2015. “It is very important for us to gather like this,” said one Governor.

    WWC and WEC team up to highlight the water-energy nexus

    World Energy Council and World Water Council step up partnership
    24 March 2014, London & Marseille – The World Energy Council (WEC) and World Water Council (WWC) announce that they have joined forces to bring the issue of the water-energy nexus to the fore in the run up to the 7th World Water Forum, to be staged in Daegu, Korea from 12 to 17 April 2015. 

    7th World Water Forum Stakeholders set the pace in Gyeongju

    Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 27 February - More than 700 stakeholders from all around the world are gathering today at the 2nd Stakeholder Consultation Meeting of the 7th World Water Forum that is being held in the city of Gyeongju, Republic of Korea. “The cause of water must be defended as our future relies on our capacity to innovate and to use appropriate technology to face the challenges of sustainable water resources development and management.

    Moving forward with the Istanbul Water Consensus

    -Local and Regional Authorities commitments to water and sanitation in the face of global changes- Marseille-Barcelona-Medellín, 3 April, 2014 - Cities and their suburbs are continuously growing, pollution is increasing, and the impact of climate change is being felt. All these factors are putting pressure on water resources, threatening human, economic and environmental security, and of course upon cities, which play a vital role in ensuring clean water and adequate sanitation for their citizens. Today, water service provision is increasingly decentralized.

    Official visit of Charafat Afailal El Yedri, Moroccan Minister in charge of water

    This meeting was to work on the preparation of the 7th World Water Forum, and particularly on the international roll-out of the King Hassan II Great World Water Prize, one of the world's highest distinctions in the water sector. This Prize rewards excellence in “Cooperation and sound management in the development and use of water resources” and the 2015 edition focusses on “Innovation for access to Water and Energy”. The winner will be granted a US$100,000 award (approx. 75 000 €).

    Major City Networks Partner for a Water-Secure World

    Marseille, 28 October 2014 – According to the United Nations World Health Organization, over half of the world’s population now lives in cities and this figure will continue to grow, especially in less developed regions. Therefore, delivering safe water and sanitation in cities will be key to securing sustainability for human, economic and environmental prosperity in the future. On Tuesday, 28 October, six organizations joined forces to tackle this issue.