World Water Council launches report on financing sanitation to lead way towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals

    The World Water Council launched a report this week on ‘Increasing Financial Flows for Sanitation’ during the 8th World Water Forum in Brasilia, Brazil and also Policy Recommendations for Ministers and Local Authorities, encouraging decision makers to be bold and embrace change.

    Winner of the Kyoto World Water Grand Prize awarded during 8th World Water Forum in Brasilia

    During the closing ceremony of the 8th World Water Forum in Brasilia, the Japan Water Forum and the World Water Council had the pleasure of awarding the 5th Kyoto World Water Grand Prize to Charité Chrétienne pour Personnes en Détresse (CCPD - Christian Charity for People in Distress), a grassroots organization from Togo. 

    FAO and WWC release white paper on water accounting for agriculture

    On the occasion of the 8th World Water Forum, the World Water Council and FAO have released the White Paper Water Accounting For Water Governance And Sustainable Development and its accompanying policy brief. These documents are outputs of the World Water Council Member initiative led by FAO with UNESCO-IHE, UNESCO-WWAP, IWMI, ICID and DWFI. 

    The 8th World Water Forum celebrates World Water Day

    Co-organized by the World Water Council and the Government of Brazil, the 8th World Water Forum gathers over 12 Heads of State, upwards of 100 Ministers, Parliamentarians and Mayors and thousands of water and sustainable development experts and global citizens in Brazil to commemorate World Water Day on 22 March. 

    International Conference unites Local and Regional Authorities to determine future of cities and water

    How cities will prepare for the future was the pressing question at the forefront of the International Conference of Local and Regional Authorities for Water. The conference, held  21-22 March during the 8th World Water Forum in Brasilia, brought together hundreds of local and regional governments to share their experience, achievements and solutions in relation to water issues.

    International High Level Panel on Water announces outcomes to alert the world to the severity of global water issues

    The High Level Panel on Water (HLPW) has released their outcomes report on water issues following two years of deliberations. The Panel, co-convened by United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and President of the World Bank Group Jim Yong Kim, highlight the reality that 2.5 billion people worldwide already live in water-scarce regions. 

    King Hassan II Great World Water Prize awarded to OECD at the 8th World Water Forum

    The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was awarded the 6th King Hassan II Great World Water Prize by the Government of Morocco and the World Water Council at the 8th World Water Forum in Brasilia, Brazil. This award, one of the highest distinctions in the water sector, recognizes excellence in “cooperation and sound management in the development and use of water resources”, with OECD receiving $100 000 USD alongside the prize.