Stockholm World Water Week 2015
Stockholm, Sweden
World Water Council at World Water Week 2015
Sunday 23 August
“Keeping up the momentum after the 7th World Water Forum”
a 90-minute seminar co-convened by the 7th World Water Forum National Committee and the World Water Council scheduled at 14:00. It will address major outcomes of the 7th Forum and the Implementation Roadmaps and Action Monitoring System, using particular examples, such as the work on financing and linkages to the SDGs
a 90-minute seminar co-convened by the 7th World Water Forum National Committee and the World Water Council scheduled at 14:00. It will address major outcomes of the 7th Forum and the Implementation Roadmaps and Action Monitoring System, using particular examples, such as the work on financing and linkages to the SDGs
Related publications are available here.
Tuesday 25 August
“Managing Change: Strengthening Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks” Workshop from 9:00 to 15:30.
WWC Governor Jerome Delli Priscoli will be presenting the work related to the Council’s program on “Increasing Resilience to Climate Variability and Change: The Role of Infrastructure and Governance in the Context of Adaptation” on behalf of the Steering Committee.
World Water Council Members EventGathering from 18:30 to 21:00 at Vasa Museum
This meeting will be an occasion to discuss the preparation of the 7th General Assembly of the World Water Council in November 2015, including the definition of its triennial strategy for 2016-2018.
Wednesday 26 August
"Managing water resources for green growth and equity"
Poster session scheduled at 14:00 with K-Water.
Poster session scheduled at 14:00 with K-Water.
Thursday 27 August
“A pathway to sustainable development: Water and Green Growth”
A 90-minute seminar scheduled at 14:00 by K-water and co-convened by the WWC. The aim is to present the major outcomes and conclusions of the Water and Green Growth Program and demonstrate how certain approaches can be employed to encourage further development of the water sector as a means of leveraging socially, economically and environmentally viable growth in the future.
A 90-minute seminar scheduled at 14:00 by K-water and co-convened by the WWC. The aim is to present the major outcomes and conclusions of the Water and Green Growth Program and demonstrate how certain approaches can be employed to encourage further development of the water sector as a means of leveraging socially, economically and environmentally viable growth in the future.
The related publication is available here. View event
"How can governments, businesses, NGO’s and foundations work together to incorporate water knowledge into climate policy?”
A Femsa-SIWI-The Guardian lunchtime event with WWC president Braga, scheduled from 12:45 to 1:45PM.
A Femsa-SIWI-The Guardian lunchtime event with WWC president Braga, scheduled from 12:45 to 1:45PM.
- Considering the water-related impacts of climate change, why are water issues not at the top of the global climate agenda?
- What more can governments, businesses, and NGOs do in the run-up to Paris to get water issues on the climate agenda?
- Post COP21, how can we help to ensure the water-related recommendations will be integrated at a national level?
Friday 28 August
“The way forward Post 2015 with water as a key for sustainable development.”
High Level Closing Panel
Mr. Benedito Braga, President World Water Council, will share reflections from current challenges managing water scarcity in Saõ Paulo. View event
High Level Closing Panel
Mr. Benedito Braga, President World Water Council, will share reflections from current challenges managing water scarcity in Saõ Paulo. View event
For more information on the program or for the detailed agenda of these events, please follow this link:
Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)