Speeches from Loïc Fauchon at the Opening Plenary of UICN 2021 Loïc Fauchon invited to opening and closing of the plenary on Freshwater: Welcome address Opening Plenary on Freshwater IUCN Congress 2021.pdf 59.94 KB Conclusion message Opening Plenary on Freshwater IUCN Congress 2021_ENG.pdf 45.12 KB Discours_douverture_IUCN2021_Opening_PlenaryFR_0.pdf 63 KB Discours_cloture_Opening_Plenary_on_Freshwater_IUCNCongress2021_FR_0.pdf 47.65 KB
Declaration "No water security without ecological security No ecological security without water security" Declaration_Water-ecological-security_EN.pdf 228.33 KB Declaration_Water-ecological-security_FR.pdf 156.02 KB