World Environment Forum

    21 June 2013, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. The President of the World Water Council, Ben Braga, delivered a presentation during the World Environment Forum on the global water crisis. The Forum focused on global issues related to water for environmental conservation.   The event gathered 400 participants including business and political leaders and academics. The concepts of sustainability were discussed as a means to ensure the protection of natural environments and encourage new forms of partnership to secure water for multiple uses.

    Asia Pacific Youth Parliament for Water (APYPW)

    Seoul, Republic of Korea

    International Conference on Water Cooperation for Sustainable Development (WCSD)

    Cairo, Egypt
    National Water Research Center (NWRC)

    The UN resolution to designate 2013 as the International Year of Water Cooperation (IYWC) recognizes that “water is critical for sustainable development.” The IYWC aims to direct international attention towards the opportunities for water cooperation among communities and countries in order to solve the challenges of water management. Accordingly, the National Water Research Center (NWRC), Egypt, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Office in Cairo organize the International Conference on Water Cooperation for Sustainable Development in November...

    High Level International Conference on Water Cooperation

    Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan
    Government of Tajikistan

    A dedicated ministry to water access and sanitation

    Access to water and sanitation remains a full priority for Sub-Saharan Africa as 330 million people lack access to clean water and 565 million to sanitation facilities. During his stay in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, at the Water Storage and Hydropower Development for Africa conference, Ben Braga, President of the World Water Council with Adama Nombre, Governor of the World Water Council and President of the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), met HE Mamounata Belem Ouedraogo, Minister of Water Resources of Burkina Faso.

    Water and Energy Focus for African Growth

    Water and Energy are fundamental to poverty reduction and economic transformation on the African continent. This week in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, experts and policy makers met at the Conference Centre of the African Union to discuss the future of water storage and hydropower development.

    Arab Regional Implementation Meeting for the twentieth Session of the Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD-20)

    Dubai, UAE
    United Nations

    Council Applauds Water Governance Initiative

    During the first meeting of the OECD Water Governance Initiative - held this week in Paris, France - the Vice-President of the Council, Dogan Altinbilek congratulated the organizers. “It is through initiatives like this one that we will be able to convince decision makers at the highest level of the importance of taking action to improve water-related governance,” he said in his opening speech.

    President Inspects Hurricane Sandy Damage

    Prior to the Special Thematic Session on Water and Disasters at the UN on 6 March, the Chief of Engineers at U.S Army Corps of Engineers (US ACE), Thomas P. Bostick, invited the President of the World Water Council, Ben Braga, to take part in an inspection of storm damaged areas in New York City. Hurricane Sandy, which struck the city in 2012, has been described as a ‘once in a generation’ storm causing death and destruction across the Caribbean region and the eastern seaboard of the United States.

    The 7th IWA Specialist Conference on Efficience Use and Management of Water

    Paris, France
    IWA and ASTEE

    This conference will present the experiences and accomplishments of recognized experts in different countries in improving water use efficiency and dealing with the challenges of drought. The agenda will include a wide range of topics related to policies and regulations, planning, efficient technologies, best management practices, alternative water resources, the water and energy nexus, climate change and drought adaptation, water loss and network management, and public involvement.