A Framework for a water secure future

    The International Steering Committee of the 7th World Water Forum has confirmed the 7th World Water Forum’s Thematic Framework. 
    The framework will serve as building blocks for the preparatory process that will pave the way to the Forum in 2015. It highlights water security, responsible development, and sustainability in three main actions goals. In order to reach these goals a special focus is being made on the Action Tools that will be developed.  

    2nd Stakeholders Consultation Meeting

    Gyeongju, Republic of Korea
    7th World Water Forum partners, World Water Council

    The 2nd Stakeholders Consultation Meeting for the 7th World Water Forum will be held on 27 and 28 February 2014 in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea. This event will gather stakeholders from all over the world to delve deeper into the Thematic Framework, its Action Goals and Action Tools. The consultation meeting is the second big stepping stone in the preparatory process leading to the 7th World Water Forum. It will provide active ways to participate in the 7th World Water Forum.

    Successful Water Cooperation Inspires European Delegates

    11 December, 2013, Strasbourg, France -  More than 100 international and European high-level representatives and experts gather today at the Council of Europe to share and learn from examples of how countries can succeed in their transboundary water management and cooperation. The event is organized by the World Water Council together with the Rhine Meuse Water Agency, the European Parliament and the Cercle francais de l’eau, represented by Mrs. Sophie Auconie, Member of the European Parliament.  The meeting is moderated by Mr.

    Water, a core component for sustainable development

    “Water is the common thread connecting all of the sustainable development goals. A stand-alone water goal is critical as part of the Post-2015 development agenda” President of the World Water Council, Benedito Braga, said in his opening speech at the Budapest Water Summit last October.

    Conference on water issues and awareness programs for youth


    Video of the conference can be seen here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=4cBY3WS_z18 Speakers (in order of appearance): - Benedito Braga, President of the World Water Council - John Fleury, student from the engineering school Ecole Centrale de Lyon - Mrs Grousson and Mrs Perris, teachers from the school "Les Fougères" from Lyon, France. - Ayten Bayramova, student from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University - Jeannette Pretot, President of the Water Embassy

    Clear Partnership Increases Water Use Efficiency

    Water is a major prerequisite as well as an important driver of green growth. However, in many places water leakages and waste are huge challenges and impediments for sustainable growth. “Why do we not see more performance-based contracts in the water sector?” was the question to the speakers in the session on financing urban water leakage solutions at the 3rd Global Green Growth Forum in Copenhagen, Denmark. “To make a partnership a success, the roles of every stakeholder must be clearly defined.

    World Water Council co-organizes Water Summit with Hungary and the United Nations

    8 October 2013, Budapest, Hungary -  “We are here today, to prepare a long-term agenda because water is at the core of sustainable development,” said the President of the World Water Council, Benedito Braga this afternoon in the opening plenary of the Budapest Water Summit. “Our purpose is to define a common strategy to protect and enrich our common goods, our livelihoods, by putting water at the center of our development objectives,“ Mr. Braga stated.

    Governments and Council Debate Water Risks at the UN General Assembly

    “Tackling Water Risks to Ensure a Sustainable Future” was the title of the luncheon and roundtable discussions that were held at the UN Headquarters in New York on 25 September. The event, with the objective of having water considered in the SDG’s post 2015, was hosted by the Governments of Colombia, the Netherlands and Switzerland together with UNSGAB and the World Water Council, and with the participation of UN-Water.

    Flood Control Asia 2013- Flood Protection Management & Technology Exhibition, co-located whit Asia Flood Conference 2013

    Bangkok, Thailand
    Thai Government

    1st Inter-Regional Conference on Land and Water Challenges: Water, Environment & Agriculture: Challenges for Sustainable Development

    Bari, Italy
    CIHEAM - Bari