Successful 5ᵉ Mediterranean Water Forum in Tunis: Towards Sustainable Management of Water Resources


    The 5ᵉ Mediterranean Water Forum, held in Tunis from February 5 to 7, 2024, was a landmark event, bringing together more than 2,800 participants from 35 countries around the theme "Together for the sobriety of shared water resources". The meeting was marked by in-depth discussions on the impacts of climate change on Mediterranean water resources. It was also a major milestone on the road to the 10th World Water Forum, to be held in Bali in May 2024.


    The particularity of this edition lies in the context of the water crisis raging in several Mediterranean regions, with high rainfall and chronic drought affecting the availability and quality of water.

    The Mediterranean Water Institute and member organizations of the World Water Council, which took part in the forum, put forward concrete recommendations for improving water management in the Mediterranean, notably by encouraging trans-Mediterranean cooperation and exploiting the potential of digitalization to optimize water resource management and monitoring processes.


    The forum was also marked by parallel events, with 21 side-events and 6 thematic sessions tackling a variety of topics such as adaptation to climate change, water governance and technological innovation.

    The Tunis Declaration, issued by the high-level ministerial panel, underlined the participants' commitment to intensify their efforts to achieve water-related sustainable development goals in the region.


    Next steps include a conference of Mediterranean local authorities in Marseille, aimed at strengthening coordination between local players, and the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, which will provide a platform for sharing innovative solutions on a global scale.


    In conclusion, the 5th Mediterranean Water Forum was a catalyst for ideas and action, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable management of water resources in the region. Discussions highlighted the importance of innovation, cooperation and governance in tackling pressing water challenges, while paving the way for a more resilient and prosperous future for Mediterranean populations.