Outcomes Document of the High-Level Strategic Workshop “Raising Ambitions on the Road to CoP25"

Under the theme “Raising ambitions on the road to CoP25”, the high-level strategic workshop aimed at increasing global climate ambitions through the crucial recognition of water as a main game-changer in the run-up to CoP25, to be held in Santiago, Chile, in December 2019.
Its primary goal was to mobilize and encourage a range of political and institutional stakeholders from both the water and the climate arenas to exchange and work together to assure the continued and improved long-term visibility of water within climate discussions, stressing the necessity to implement national plans and strategies to deliver on commitments.
The program of the high-level strategic workshop on water and climate included two introductory panels with the objective of setting the scene followed by two parallel regional roundtables, one on Small Island Developing States and another on Africa. The roundtable discussion focused on water and climate from a country perspective, evoking what can be done to reinforce these interlinkages concretely, especially in view of the NDC update before CoP26 in 2020.
The main insights and solutions from the Regional Roundtables were presented in the closing panel on how to overcome implementation barriers.
Listen to the discussions
• Introductory panel : “Translating Climate Statements into Action: Water as a Cross-Cutting Solution”
• Introductory panel “Water Financing: A Vehicle for Getting Things Done”
• Closing panel “Overcoming Implementation Barriers: Practical Insights and Solutions”
More on Water and Climate Change
• WWC program on water and climate change
• www.climateiswater.org
For further information: climateiswater@worldwatercouncil.org