Dakar: An on-site Forum and no health concern

    Invited to speak at the 76th Board of Governors of the World Water Council on Monday, February 14, Senegal's Minister of Water and Sanitation, Sérigné Mbaye Thiam, put an end to many logistical issues and concerns with the following official announcement: The 9th World Water Forum will be held in Diamniadio, the new administrative capital of Senegal, a suburb of Dakar, in a on-site version.

    Only 203 cases of COVID reported in the last 7 days, a global management of the pandemic widely praised internationally, easy access to tests and advanced health posts installed in all accommodation sites: Senegal is ready to welcome the participants of the 9th World Water Forum. This is the clear and reassuring message conveyed by the Minister Sérigné Mbaye Thiam.

    There will be a possibility, for those absent, to send messages to be broadcast during the sessions. Those who cannot be present physically are invited to contact us as soon as possible so that we can find solutions. But our option, the one we prefer, is the on-site version," he insisted.

    There is nothing that prevents us from going to Senegal in complete security nowadays," added Loïc Fauchon, who has just returned from Dakar. Another important argument put forward by the Minister for those who are still hesitating to make the trip: "Visas will be facilitated for all participants".

    Senegal was very central, 35 days before the Forum, during the 76th Board of Governors, which was held on Zoom and where all the member organizations of the board were represented, forming a beautiful mosaic on a global scale - at the cost, sometimes, of very early morning awakenings or late nights, because of the time difference.


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