Council participates in the MPGCA Workshop in London

    The World Water Council participated at the at the Strategy and Planning Workshop for the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA) held in London on 11-12 of April.
    The Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action was launched at CoP22 by High Level Climate Champions Minister Hakima El Haite and Ambassador Laurence Tubiana as a means to mobilize stronger climate action by all Parties and non-Party Stakeholders towards the achievement of the goals of the Paris Agreement in coherence with the Sustainable Development Goals. 
    In the framework of the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action, the Strategy and Planning Workshop aimed to develop further the organizational approach and engagement strategy of non-Party Stakeholders with CoP processes.  The seven thematic areas for climate action, including water, were able to discuss together the principles that unite them, their ambitions for long-term impact, and immediate measures of progress as they move towards CoP23 and beyond.
    A follow up meeting is expected to be organized in late May or June to evoke in greater detail the mechanics of the Marrakech Partnership’s activities at CoP23 in Bonn in November.