2017 International Conference : Cutting-Edge Solutions to Wicked Water Problems
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Adequate and reliable water resources are essential to the sustainable development of any modern society. Around the world, water managers, engineers, scientists and policy makers are working together to develop and implement solutions to address various water issues. The aims of this international forum are fourfold:
- present new findings about and approaches to addressing wicked water problems;
- promote communication and collaboration among scientists, engineers, managers, and policy- and decision-makers on challenges and cutting-edge solutions;
- share real-world experiences in addressing water challenges under changing conditions/environments; and
- present applications and guidelines to address water issues in environments facing water shortage.
The focus of this two-day conference, being held at Tel Aviv University, (see topics) is to present scientific results and to demonstrate real-world experiences on innovative research about and workable solutions to various global water problems. Both local and international participants will benefit from this conference's dialogue on developing ways to address and avoid water crises due to an imbalance between water supply and demand, changing climate, population growth, urbanization, water scarcity, and water quality problems. The call for abstracts is open until 17 April.
American Water Resources Association, Water Research Center - Tel Aviv University