Start with Water: Putting water on local action agendas to support global change

Published by: World Water Council
Date: March 2018
Pages: 92
This guidance material seeks to respond to the call of local and regional authorities for greater clarity on what global development frameworks mean for them in terms of water management. In addition to helping these authorities preserve water security and sanitation in their cities against future competing challenges, this publication identifies ways for them to support global sustainable development.
By providing a common and practical set of policy recommendations for local and regional governments, this guide facilitates action, proposes a series of best practices and tools on local water management.
The guide is available in English, Portuguese, Spanish and French.
- Start With Water, Putting water on local action agendas to support global change
- Comenzar Con El Agua, Posicionar el tema del agua en las agendas de acción locales para apoyar el cambio global
- Comece Pela Agua, Incluindo a água nas agendas de ação local para promover mudanças globais
- L’eau avant tout, Intégrer l’eau dans les actions locales pour soutenir le changement mondial
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