World Water Council Youth Delegates actively shape the Forum through Satellite Events
The Youth Delegates of the World Water Council have developed the Satellite Events project in partnership with youth-led networks and organizations around the world to facilitate the contribution of young water researchers, professionals and entrepreneurs to the 8th World Water Forum, aiming for a stronger and more unified youth voice.
Following the Youth Delegates participation in the Second Stakeholders Meeting of the 8th World Water Forum, the youth investigated means to actively contribute to and meaningfully participate in the processes shaping the Forum, aiming to engage their networks and organizations. The Satellite Events emerge as a strategy to welcome coordinated input from young people across the globe towards the 8th World Water Forum and aim to collect a unified youth standpoint on the priorities for the water agenda at a local, regional and global levels. At the same time, they also represent a coordinated way to outreach youth, raise awareness, and, overall, connect youth and regional youth networks to the 8th World Water Forum processes. Each Satellite Event will generate a Youth Statement indicating the priority water issues in the region where the event is taking place. All the Youth Statements produced will feed into a final Youth Declaration that will be presented in Brasilia during the 8th World Water Forum. The organizations and networks supporting the initiative believe in the generation of "from youth to youth" content to support the engagement of youth groups in water and see everyone as a potential stakeholder with relevant contributions to address the water challenges of today.
The guidelines offer an insight on how to promote a successful Youth Satellite Event and communicate effectively about the experience. We count on you to be active in securing water and sanitation for all and in the largest water event in the world!